Beginning: The Fall of Man
A casual reading of the fall of man described in Genesis 3 might cause the reader to think God created the world in six days, rested on the seventh day, and Adam and Eve ruined it on the eighth day. But, we have no way of knowing how long Adam and Eve enjoyed the Garden before suffering their punishment. “Beginning” explores the idea that Adam and Eve enjoy their perfect world for a long while until Eve realizes she has a deep and unmet desire. Instead of taking her problem to God, she looks for another solution that causes her to be tempted to her shame and downfall. Readers will be captivated as they read vivid descriptions of the new world’s plant and animal life, and they will come to understand the grim consequences of disobedience.
NOTE: Please note the story contains a graphic description of labor pains in sharp contrast to the ease in which animals give birth to illustrate important effects of the fall of man. This may not be appropriate for younger audiences. Use professional discretion.
No Preparation Needed
The 21-page Teacher’s Guide contains everything a busy teacher needs to present a familiar biblical story in a new way. No need to spend hours of preparation with this Teacher’s Guide. All the information needed to teach the lesson is in the guide.
Written for grades 6-8, before, during, and after activities for guided reading ensure students learn grade-level vocabulary, establish appropriate background knowledge, engage comprehension, and think deeply about the story and its biblical principles. Lightly scripted blue text in the Think Deeper questions help teachers guide students to think about their faith.
Optional Extension Activities give students opportunities to respond to the passage in different learning modalities: writing, art, or a hands-on project.
Suggested Pacing Guide
Given a 45-minute class period, the lesson could cover 5 days.
Day 1 Complete Vocabulary worksheet (self-directed), and read Scripture reference.
Days 2-3 Read “Beginning” passage and complete Comprehension worksheet. Discuss student Comprehension answers and Think Deeper questions as a class.
Days 4-5 Extension Activities to present to class.
Included in this Package:
The 21-page PDF is ready to print 2-sided in color on regular copy paper. Copies of the student worksheets and the story can be made separately in black-and-white. The guide includes the following:
- Teacher’s Guide
- Vocabulary Worksheet
- Comprehension Worksheet
- Answer Keys
- “Beginning” an original 4-page story
- Venn Diagram graphic organizer
Beginning: The Fall of Man
6th - 8th