Day One, Again
This post was originally published in November 2014. I am now on "Day 11," but having lost my sister this year, I have begun a new "Day...

Cursive: The Lost Tool of Learning
In 1947, author Dorothy Sayers read her paper “The Lost Tools of Learning” [1] at Oxford University. In her address, she outlined the...

The Importance of Kindness
Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me. Science now shows what children have always known about this adage:...

The Power of Story
Stories can show readers truths in ways that can be more understandable than a simple lecture. Jesus liked to tell stories. His many...

Learning to Write, Writing to Learn
As we emerge from the two-year hiatus that jolted us from our normal lives and peek out from our socially distanced spaces timidly...